We will never ran out of heartwarming stories of the man's "best friend". This hero dog saves a couple from untimely demise.
More of the story here.
Shaun a.k.a. The Video Artist
During the internet revolution back in the late 90’s, Shaun was able to get involved with the technology, indirectly though. Counterstrike, Starcraft, Diablo and others are some of his favorite games. This prompted him to become torn between the courses Information Technology, to boost his computer technology soul, or Fine Arts, to hone his long-time skills in drawing. He chose the latter anyway and picked Advertising Arts as his major.
Jomark a.k.a.: Mao Kini, The Indie Filmmaker
Jomark’s interests in filmmaking paced during his early age back when he was brought by his aunt to watch a certain Western movie. Thereon, he began to develop a high level of interest in movies but more particularly in how these films are materialized and how people with fascinating minds began their repertoire. Armed with curiosity, inquisitiveness, and will to learn new things, especially about filmmaking, Jomark quickly established himself into one of Cebu’s local independent filmmakers. Today, the art of filmography is still in his blood and he has also ventured into the business of outsourcing, of course, without letting his eyes off his best field of filmmaking.
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